Illustration of green leaves around the letters "Spring"

In the West, the turn of the New Year on January 31st signifies a new beginning and setting intentions for the coming year.  Many of these New Year resolutions end up dwindling away, as does our energy and motivation to maintain the momentum.  As I explore the seasons, I have come to realize that winter is not the best time to initiate new goals it is more of a time to reflect and gather our intentions. Spring is more suited to a new beginning to tackle all of our intentions and goals for the coming year.    

“Spring is the season during which the natural work revives and reinvigorates after the colder winter months.  During spring, dormant plants begin to grow again new seedlings sprout. out of the ground, and hibernating animals begin to roam.  It is an awakening and rebirth of the Earth, as well as growth.  It’s a joyful time as the planet shifts from the dark months forward to warmer, lighter days and recognizes balance and new beginnings.”

For thousands of years, many cultures around the world have celebrated spring as the beginning of the year, and many New Year’s celebrations would happen not on January 31st but on the first day of spring, which usually lands in the middle of March (This year it is March 20th).  I wonder if we have got it all wrong here in the West. As spring does naturally spark that energy that has been dormant for many months, nature is reawakened, the air smells fresh, we get outside more and I would say overall have more energy. For some of us who are sensitive to the changing weather, this can be a turbulent shift.  But for the most part, spring marks a sense of rebirth and new beginnings for nature and/or ourselves.  

Offering & Invitation

I offer an invitation to all who had set their New Year’s resolutions for January 1, 2024, and find themselves struggling to get going!  Use this change of season as an opportunity to recommit to your resolutions and goals for 2024.  You will have the season and its wonderful energy of spring behind you as you reach your intentions and goals for this year.

New Moon Meditation - Spring Equinox with Ally